What is the difference between ar vr mr and xr

A place to discuss any and all things Virtual Reality. Obligatory im using mobile so sorry for the format. Also before anyone says “just google” I have already done that but im still not sure. Ok so im very new to this I have never touched anything to do with extended reality before. I dont even know if this is the right subreddit to post this in because this is exclusively VR. But I kind of understand that xr basically encompasses ar vr and mr. Also another thing that i could not find online is whether different kinds of reality require different headsets, and whether all headsets are able to display all types of reality. It would really be appreciated if anyone helps me out. Thank you in advance!


what do you think about these definitions for AR MR XR — and VR

this sub “is a precious resource for the whole MR industry. we check your sub every day at Lynx.” [Stan Larroque] ——————————————————— augmented reality – AR | mixed reality – MR | extended reality XR | spatial computing | assisted reality | smart glasses
